Creatures of the Night is a community-led lantern parade: Make something as simple as a small DIY lantern or as elaborate as a giant puppet lantern and parade your creations through Bear River.
Other expressions of creativity—like costumes, masks, dance, or music—are also welcome!
*Please use battery-powered LED lights to avoid open flames and keep this a safe, family-friendly event!*
Lantern puppets are sculptural forms typically constructed from a sturdy frame (made of wire or branches, for example), covered in a transluscent material (like fabric or paper), and illuminated from the inside with LED lights. Makers may add articulated elements to the sculpture, such as attaching handles to a pair of wings.
This event has no particular theme, so feel free to go wherever your inspiration takes you, however simple or extravagant. Attach fairy lights to an umbrella, put a colourful LED in a mason jar, create a 20-foot long undulating centipede—you do you!
Not sure what to make for the parade or how to make it? Drop in to a FREE workshop to craft something in community and/or find folks to collaborate with. Armature and puppet lantern instruction provided by puppeteer Ken Flett!
– Every Sunday afternoon in October from 1-4PM at the Oakdene Community Centre gymnasium.
– All ages welcome!
– While some craft supplies will be available to share, please bring your own materials if possible and be prepared to take them (and your project) home at the end of each workshop session.
– Examples of suggested supplies include: craft or tissue paper, newspaper, cardboard, old bedsheets, glue, tape, scissors, mason jars, twine, markers, food colouring, paint brushes, battery-powered lights, framing materials (chopsticks, skewers, twigs, wire), paper mache goop, etc.
– All ages welcome!
– While some craft supplies will be available to share, please bring your own materials if possible and be prepared to take them (and your project) home at the end of each workshop session.
– Examples of suggested supplies include: craft or tissue paper, newspaper, cardboard, old bedsheets, glue, tape, scissors, mason jars, twine, markers, food colouring, paint brushes, battery-powered lights, framing materials (chopsticks, skewers, twigs, wire), paper mache goop, etc.