Old Thom Is Back!


About once a year, whale watching cruises in the Digby Area are blessed with a visit from the one and only, Old Thom.

Old Thom is a lone Orca, and quite possibly the only one that travels to the Bay of Fundy. Not only is it rare to see Orca’s in these waters, but it’s very rare to seem them alone.

Orcas are pod creatures and travel as a family, but Old Thom seems to have been estranged from his pod, although he is often seen with dolphins.

Typically, he visits near Brier Island in July, and this year it was starting to seem like he wasn’t going to visit. But just a few days ago in September he happily made his annual trip to us here in Nova Scotia.

Old Thom has been visiting the Bay of Fundy since at least 2006.

Pics from Brier Island Whale and Seabird Cruises
